
Claim handling

In our after-sales services, we offer comprehensive claim handling to ensure customer satisfaction and efficient resolution of issues. This includes:

Parallel Follow-Up During Shipyard Warranty Period:

We maintain close communication with customers while their vessels are still under the shipyard warranty period. This ensures that any issues are promptly addressed, and the necessary follow-up actions are taken.

Direct Claim Handling During Extended Warranty Period:

Once the vessels enter the extended warranty period, we handle claims directly with customers. This approach allows for more streamlined and effective resolution of any concerns that arise during this phase.

Technical Meetings:

We arrange technical meetings with vessel owners to discuss any open claims. These meetings are supported by the expertise and guidance of GEA’s Claim/Design department in Oelde and the local GEA office. This collaborative effort ensures that all technical aspects are thoroughly reviewed and addressed.

By providing these services, we aim to deliver seamless support and maintain high standards of customer service throughout the warranty periods.


More than 600 Handled claims – all technically investigated for route of cause.