

The shipping industry is facing a series of challenges as global supply chains become increasingly complex and demanding. The main challenges include:

  1. Energy Efficiency: The need to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions is driving industry to invest in more efficient technologies and practices. Shipping companies are exploring the use of advanced propulsion systems and innovative ship design solutions.

  2. Alternative Fuels: The growing demand for cleaner and more sustainable fuels, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG), ammonia, and biofuels, is a key area of development and investment. Companies need to explore and integrate these alternative solutions to meet stricter environmental regulations.

These developments and demands present an ongoing challenge for the shipping industry, which must adapt and innovate to maintain its competitiveness and contribute to a more sustainable future.

GEA, with consistency and reliability, supports its customers in achieving and utilizing these goals through a robust, global network of services, spare parts, and expertise. GEA R&D is heavily investing in finding the perfect solution to satisfy ship owner requests for a “Greener” seagoing vessel.

In view of the above, GEA offers a vast portfolio of marine applications suitable for all types of vessels.

Our GEA Westfalia separators via the Centrifuge technology of biofuels, HFO and Lube oils are the core of our long-standing history in the marine business.

On top various other applications such as Gas compressors, fuel conditions modules, freshwater generators, EGR also serve the needs of long-standing customers.

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