
Σύστημα παρακολούθησης απόδοσης καυσίμου

If you are searching for a way to save fuel and optimize your voyage, Eefting energy in cooperation with GEA and Panmarine has a solution for you.

Eefting Energy has equipped over 300 ships with fuel monitoring systems. Eefting Energy supplies all the products needed for fuel efficiency monitoring and fleet performance analysis at competitive prices—from fuel oil flow meters and torque meters from trusted manufacturers to in-house developed fuel monitoring systems and online analysis software. There is a continuous effort to enhance products and services, giving you cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of the competition. Promote sustainable shipping with our expertise and innovative solutions.

By tracking fuel consumption on each voyage, fleet owners and captains can reduce fuel costs and improve overall efficiency. Our system also provides valuable real-time data to detect and minimize fuel wastage by analyzing usage patterns, helping companies save money and increase profitability.

Pair our Fuel Efficiency Monitoring System with Flow Meters and Torque Meters to unlock the full potential of your vessels, allowing you to identify performance declines before maintenance becomes essential.